
Thursday, February 3, 2011

T-Town Pics!!!

There were several photographers at the comp, and I finally had some time to go through all of their photos to find these shots. Presenting:

The T-Town Pull Down Family Photo Edition!

Below: My bro-in-law, Scott, making his way up the over-hanging wall
Below: Scott rocking it out again

Below: Little Brother Garrett crushing it hard core! This guy one 1st place in the advance division!

Below: Garrett showing off some more of his mad skill

Below: Derek talking to the crowd with lil' Mike on the rock rings

Below: Derek dancing his dance

Below: Derek and Tyler (Josh's daughter) - made me think of us having kids someday. That girl can send too - she totally topped out the bouldering wall with no fear!

Below: another shot of Derek, taken by lil' Mike I think - lil'Mike has mad picture taking skillz

Below: Anna after finishing a route

Below: Anna sending with style!

Aaaaand the rest are pictures of me. You do remember the title of this blog right? Yeah. That's right - it's aaaaaall about me.

And Anna too :)
So freaking happy that I have such an awesome family!

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