
Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Tashka Trail Teaser and Parenthetical Abuse

Taking a break from the tornado monologue. Time for the Tashka Trail 2011 Teaser!

Today, I ran into one of the race directors of the Tashka Trail Run - you might remember me being silly and signing up for the 50K only to drop down to the 25K after I failed to train at all (in my defense, I was rather ill (seriously, I had to have surgery one week after the race (I know! I know! I shouldn't have run the race at all (get out of my head Mom!!(also, here is the race report)))).


Talking to him got me excited. I'm fairly certain that I will still be in T-Town through December at the very least. I could run this race again. I could actually train seriously. Hell, I actually could have a shot at winning! Lake Lurleen is literally down the road from me. I could train on the course repeatedly before the event. I'll have a home field advantage. I have six MONTHS to train. I can totally do this!

But if I'm going to do it, I absolutely have to do it right. Remember my New Years Resolutions? No more entering into races, then not training for said races OR getting hurt before said races, then still running the race anyway. And since I wasn't able to run in the Ranger Run (it was one week after the Tornado (yes that capital T is intentional) - wasn't super high on the priority list), I still get to pick out a race up to 50K in distance to run this year.

So, here's my to-do list:

1. Get in touch with my inner librarian: I'm going to take full advantage of the resources available to me through my library and research marathon training to best of my abilities. Email me/comment if you want the bibliography.

2. Get a base level of fitness: Running has been pretty sporadic lately. Gee. I wonder why? And my eating habits have gone to the crapper. Time to return to running regularly and eating right

3. Get running friends: I need accountabil-a-buddies (South Park, anyone?)

4. Follow through: also know as "Get 'er done!" or "Just do it!" or "Shut Up and Run!" or occasionally, "TWO BIRDS!" (yeah. only Derek and maybe Ryan will get that last reference. If you figure it out, I will buy you dinner).

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